July 27, 2024 9:57 am

AfWASA WASH Research Grants for students!

As part of its Capacity-Building Program for African stakeholders in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector AfWASA Capacity Building Program (AfriCap), funded by USAID, the African Water and Sanitation Association is awarding research scholarships to African Young Water and Sanitation Professionals. Target beneficiaries are master students and engineers at their final year training program. Each scholarship, with a maximum value of USD1,000 (one thousand), will make it possible to carry out a research work sanctioned by a scientific report on a theme related to the WASH sector.

During the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019 academic years, AfWASA awarded sixty (60) scholarships to students from eleven (11) countries in West and Central Africa. Other scholarships will be awarded across Africa for a period of three years (2021-2024). For the 2021-2022 academic year, fifteen (15) scholarships were awarded to students from 13 countries. For the academic year 2022-2023, other twenty (20) scholarships from 16 countries and, among the selected fellows 15 were given by USAID as the usual Africap grants and 5 were given to young women by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through SAO CWIS to close the gender gap in WASH research. For the final academic year (2023-2024), 15 scholarships will be awarded to students across Africa.

Application process

Candidates for the scholarship program will formulate their research topics in relation to one of the themes proposed in this call for applications. To apply, applicants must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen of a sub-Saharan African country eligible for USAID funding.
  • be in good standing academically with respect to their institution.
  • Submit an application file including:
    1. Student card or registration receipt for the current year
    2. Last completed degree
    3. Curriculum vitae (3 pages max)
    4. Three recommendation letters (one should be from the academic supervisor)
    5. Research proposal form to be downloaded here

During the selection, priority will be given to students and young water professionals who are registered as members of AfWASA.


Applicants must submit their application online via the link for application https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19aMW5SGELWreMImeBg5Idjls4PceRNjiTAHTQXh4ArM/edit . For any question regarding application or submission, applicants may contact the following addresses: udjalia@afwasa.org and copy gdjagoun@afwasa.org.

The list of successful candidates will be published on AfWASA website: www.afwasa.org and each beneficiary will receive an official notification from AfWASA.


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