July 27, 2024 10:29 am

School of Hygiene-Mbale Launches Sensitization Campaign to Combat Cholera
Outbreak in Mbale City

Taking Proactive Measures to Safeguard Public Health

February 20, 2024
In response to the recent reports of a Cholera outbreak in Mbale City, the School of Hygiene-
Mbale has announced a comprehensive sensitization campaign scheduled for February 21 st ,
2024 at 9:00 Am.. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the outbreak, educate the public on
preventive measures, and foster community involvement in combating the spread of the disease.
Cholera, a waterborne disease, has posed a significant threat to public health in Mbale City,
prompting the School of Hygiene-Mbale to take proactive measures to curb its transmission. The
sensitization campaign will include informational sessions, distribution of educational materials,
and practical demonstrations on proper sanitation and hygiene practices.
The School of Hygiene-Mbale encourages the participation of local residents, community
leaders, and stakeholders in this collective effort to prevent further cases of Cholera. The
campaign will kick off at [specific location] at [specified time], and the school is committed to
reaching as many people as possible to ensure a widespread understanding of the risks associated
with Cholera and the importance of adopting hygienic practices.
This initiative reflects the School of Hygiene-Mbale’s dedication to community welfare and its
role in promoting public health. By fostering awareness and providing essential knowledge, the
institution hopes to contribute to the containment of the Cholera outbreak and ultimately create a
healthier living environment for the residents of Mbale City.
For more information and updates on the sensitization campaign, keep visiting this official
website of the School of Hygiene-Mbale. Stay informed, stay safe!

For more information on Cholera disease, please contact the link below;

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