July 27, 2024 9:28 am

School of Hygiene-Mbale

was founded in 1958 by the colonial government to train Health Inspectors (Assistant Environmental Health Officers),
Health Assistants (Environmental Health Assistants), and Health Orderlies in response to rampant outbreaks of communicable diseases


To enhance professionalism and innovativeness through quality training, research and community engagement for a healthy community and sustainable development


To be a centre of excellence in
training skilled, innovative graduates, globally engaged in Public Health
School Motto: For Health Promotion

Why study at
School of Hygiene-Mbale

Bursaries and Scholarships
Government sponsorship is available to students who join the Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences (Cert. EHS) and Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences (Dip. EHS).

The School Governing Council also offer 2-4 slots every to the best performing Certificate in Environmental Health Sciences (Cert. EHS) to upgrade to the Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences (Dip. EHS) qualification)

Principal’s Message Ilukor Geresom

School of Hygiene-Mbale with its rich history in Environmental health training dating back to the Post-independence era is committed to producing up-to-date globally dynamic and innovative health professionals that are ready to deal with contemporary Public health challenges affecting communities today.

SoHM started in 1958 with only two programmes that is Certificate in Environmental Health Science (CEHS) and Diploma in Environmental Health Science (DEHS) but with its strategic plan in place its vision is ‘to become a center of excellence in training skilled, innovative graduates who are globally engaged in Public Health”, this vision with a strong team of qualified and committed staff, a proactive school governing council, government support, parents and all other partners will make School of Hygiene-Mbale a global multi-disciplinary public health training institution.

With the world currently facing an escalation of existent and emerging new environmental and health challenges which are affecting man and his environment, it means that School of Hygiene-Mbale has a perpetual mandate to produce the next generation of Environmental Health Officers and generally Public Health officers and technicians with the capacity to design, implement and lead programmes and projects to mitigate these challenges. SoHM promises as one of its values states “to be practical and research-oriented” by developing new training programmes, innovations, and approaches in the area of Environmental health as well as other Public health aspects.

SoHM promises to be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Development Goals (NDGs), International best practices, and International and national laws and regulations in all its effort to promote the Environmental and Public Health agenda.

I specially invite you to join SoHM as a Student, Alumni, Parent, Donor, Partner, Supporter or in any capacity so that we work together to achieve our mission of promoting health by training resilient and competent Public health professionals.

“Our Motto: For Health Promotion”

Ilukor Geresom

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School of Hygiene-Mbale

We are a tertiary institution under the Ministry of Education and Sports in accordance with the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001 as amended 2003, and 2006.

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